14 Tips on Coping With Stress at Work
Do you have a high-pressure job? Don’t let anxiety take over your well-being. Practice these tips on coping with stress at work.
What Kind of Stress Are You Dealing With?>
Practical Tips on Coping With Stress>
1. Check your productivity tools.>
2. Assess your workload.>
3. Take breaks.>
4. Create a conducive workspace.>
5. Learn to say no.>
6. Don’t hesitate to talk to your line manager.>
7. Have a support system.>
8. Exercise.>
9. Practice meditation techniques.>
10. Don’t forget your self-care.>
11. Get enough sleep.>
12. Find time for hobbies you love.>
13. Upskill.>
14. Establish boundaries between your professional and personal life.>
Every job comes with some level of pressure. From the daily demands of being a doctor to the occasional rushed deliverables in tech, you must realize that not everything can sail smoothly. Coping with stress is something to learn if you want to thrive in life.
Nonetheless, it’s always easier said than done, especially in the Philippines where, according to Gallup’s Global Emotions Report and State of the Global Workplace survey, we have the most stressed workers in Southeast Asia. The country also ranked second for angriest and saddest. If you fall under this statistic and struggle to find your Zen, scroll down for a few pointers.
What Kind of Stress Are You Dealing With?
Say you’re a sedentary person who wants to revise your habits. You sign up for a triathlon six months from now. Your training starts with a 30-minute jog daily for the first week. You’ll likely get out of the first workouts huffing and puffing, but it’s okay because you get better and stronger each time.
Some stress is good. If your unease is caused by stepping out of your comfort zone, then you can think long-term and understand that this is only temporary. You’re moving to a better place.
But if you participate in that race without preparation, you’ll crash and burn. You could get injured or worse. You must be able to determine whether the anxieties you’re dealing with are leading you toward self-improvement or self-destruction. It could help you manage stress better and understand whether you should fight or take flight.
Practical Tips on Coping With Stress
Toxic stress can build up and suck you into a hole. To avoid getting stuck, you must be able to nip tension in the bud. Try these tricks to manage your daily stress levels.
1. Check your productivity tools.
If you suddenly find your regular workload overwhelming, maybe your old system needs an update. Perhaps time blocks aren’t working anymore. Experiment with other productivity techniques, such as the Two-Minute Rule, Pomodoro, or Deep Work.
2. Assess your workload.
Did anything change in your list of duties? Study which ones are causing you the most stress and adjust. Maybe the task is impossible with the deadline. Maybe it’s a two-person job.
3. Take breaks.
Whatever productivity system works for you, remember you need to take a break, whether it’s a five-minute meditation or applying for leave. Give your brain and your body a chance to recover before tackling another difficult task.
4. Create a conducive workspace.
Do you know that clutter can boggle your mind? Organize your workspace for efficiency. Don’t underestimate the value of comfort, too. A cozy chair can do wonders for your productivity.
5. Learn to say no.
Volunteering for extra work now and then is okay and bibo. But if it’s triggering stress, then you should learn to pass up things not under your scope.
6. Don’t hesitate to talk to your line manager.
If you feel overworked and overwhelmed, talk to your line manager. Be realistic and honest about your capacity. Plan a proper strategy together that will allow you to work to your best abilities.
7. Have a support system.
A solid support system can include colleagues you can rant to let off steam or just family and friends who can give you sound advice.
8. Exercise.
The benefits of exercise for combating stress are well-known. Physical activity, even if it’s just a short walk after lunch, can stimulate your endorphin, dopamine, and serotonin levels – substances in your body that control your happiness and satisfaction levels. Studies also suggest a bit of exercise can boost your productivity levels.
9. Practice meditation techniques.
Nervous about your upcoming client pitch? Practice mindfulness or meditation to stay present and manage stress better. Do breathing exercises, repeat your mantra, or listen to a meditation podcast.
10. Don’t forget your self-care.
When coping with stress, you shouldn’t discount the effects of even the seemingly smallest measure of self-care. Take some extra time to take care of yourself. Treat yourself to something nice after a hell week. Make yourself look nice. If your worries are manifesting physically, take measures to combat them. For example, you can use Dove Men+Care Strengthening Shampoo to manage anxiety-induced hair thinning.
11. Get enough sleep.
Sometimes stress can be so bad that it affects your sleep. But this is why you’re addressing it at the outset. A lack of sleep can make you more prone to breaking down. Adequate rest can make you feel sharper and more confident to tackle the day’s tasks. So, start fixing your nighttime habits!
If today’s budget meeting caused you to lose some sleep, wash away the exhaustion from your face with POND'S Men Facial Wash Energy Charge. This facial wash uses antioxidant-packed coffee bean extracts to repair skin damage from stress, late nights, and UV exposure.
12. Find time for hobbies you love.
Hobbies separate from your job can distract you from the turmoil of work. Use them to unwind and relax.
13. Upskill.
Upskilling seems like a strange trick for coping with stress, but hear us out. Developing skills to help you at work can boost your competence and confidence.
14. Establish boundaries between your professional and personal life.
Whether you work from home or still go to the office, draw a line between your professional and personal worlds. You wouldn’t want the stress from each aspect of your life to spill over.
Coping with stress can be an arduous task, especially when you deal with pressure daily. Process it as you would for any large project: break it down into manageable steps. It may get tough, but maintaining your well-being is always worth it.
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