Does Your Bikini Line Make You Self-Conscious? 5 Ways to Build Your Confidence
Follow these tips if you’re going to the beach but you’re self-conscious of your bikini line.
Cleanse, Exfoliate, and Moisturize>
Explore Hair Removal>
Check Yourself Out Less>
Wear What Makes You Happy>
Don’t Think Much of It>
Apprehensive about wearing a swimsuit when you go to the beach this summer? You’re not alone. Exposing your bikini line is a big deal, especially if you’re shy or not particularly used to wearing swimwear. Your feelings are valid. If you plan on taking that huge step this year, here are some ways to build the confidence to bare your bikini line on your next beach trip.
Cleanse, Exfoliate, and Moisturize
When you have a big presentation or client meeting, being prepared helps make you feel confident, right? The same thing goes for your bikini line. Doing the work — that is, cleansing, exfoliating, and moisturizing — can completely change how you feel about wearing that swimsuit.
According to the National Institutes of Health, pubic skin, including the bikini area, is thinner, more sensitive, and has more nerve endings near the surface. Therefore, cleansing means gently rubbing it with a soft washcloth, which should also give it a mild exfoliation. After cleansing, apply a serum body lotion like Vaseline Gluta-Hya Serum Burst Lotion Flawless Glow, which can help brighten as well as deeply moisturize your skin. Apply this serum-like body lotion all over your body for an even, hydrated glow.
Explore Hair Removal
A regular bikini line routine can help prep your skin for hair removal. If you’re self-conscious about your pubic hair, several hair removal options are available. Visit a professional for a bikini wax or laser hair removal treatment. At home, you could also try using depilatory creams or IPL devices, although the latter would require advanced prepping.
Whatever you do, do not shave. You wouldn’t want to ruin your bikini line reveal with painful and itchy bumps. If you must shave, make sure you avoid these shaving no-no's to prevent irritation.
Check Yourself Out Less
According to the University of California Santa Cruz, frequent “body checking” does more harm than good. Looking at yourself in the mirror too frequently can lead to an obsession with perceived flaws. It can reinforce a negative body image. So, if you recently bought one of those trendy full-length arched mirrors, consider placing it somewhere functional, like the entryway, instead of somewhere you run into all the time.
Wear What Makes You Happy
Speaking of trendy, don’t feel pressured to wear something you won’t feel comfortable in just for the ‘gram or to look “in.” Take advantage of having all these brands vying for your attention by choosing a style that looks best on your body and makes you feel most confident. You don’t have to wear a high-cut bikini just because Kendall wore one on her latest magazine shoot. Wearing what makes you happy is what will give you confidence, and that’s all you need.
Don’t Think Much of It
It might help to condition yourself mentally but thinking about it less could also do you some good. At the end of the day, your bikini line is just another part of the human anatomy that everybody else has. As long as you’ve done your part in making yourself as confident as you can be, you can sit back, sip on your piñacolada, and forget about it.
If you’re self-conscious about your bikini line, there’s no need to flaunt it — but know that there’s no need to be embarrassed either. This area is sensitive, so any texture or pigmentation is natural. If you want to know more about caring for it, read our article "Habits to Smoothen Your Bikini Line Area". Build your confidence at your own pace.
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