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Woman with yellow-tinted sunglasses eating a cereal bar.
In reasonable amounts, sugar is an essential source of energy for your body.

You Can Get “Sugar Face” From Too Much Halloween Candy

Got sugar face – a.k.a. dull skin and breakouts – post-Halloween? Find out why and how to reverse the effects.

October 13, 2023
Read Time: 3 Minutes

What Consuming Sugar Does to Your Skin>

Your Battle Plan Against Sugar Face>

Hit refresh with antioxidant-rich food.>

Get moving after snacking.>

Nix dullness with a solid skincare routine.>

Halloween is the season of tricks and treats, and that includes yummy chocolate bars and other types of candy. While enjoying these sweets after the festivities may sound like fun, your skin may pay for it when morning comes. Your complexion can become dull, with dark circles and fine lines making an unwelcome appearance. These are signs of a sugar face, and yes, it’s a real phenomenon.

Overloading your diet with sugary snacks not only guarantees frequent trips to the dentist but also ages your skin. The good news is you don’t have to swear off desserts forever. Let’s break down the science behind sugar face and how you can reverse the effects.

What Consuming Sugar Does to Your Skin

Asian women in with costumes drinking cocktails and eating candy.
A high-sugar diet can dry out the skin, causing the sebaceous gland to produce more oil.

Four fun-sized chocolate wafer bars may not seem like a lot, but did you know each one contains 3.5 teaspoons of sugar? That covers 30% of the recommended daily added sugar intake, which is six teaspoons for women.

Surpassing the limit sets glycation in motion, a process where sugar molecules break down collagen and elastin – the two pillars of healthy skin – and release toxic compounds known as advanced glycation end products (AGEs). These free radicals can build up over time and damage the skin cells, resulting in wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, and even yellowing of the skin.

The problem doesn’t end there. When your blood glucose level spikes, your body responds by revving up insulin production. This triggers inflammation and weakens the immune system. High sugar intake can also send your hormones into overdrive, particularly testosterone. What comes next is excess oil clogging up the pores. Cue acne and sugar rashes.

In short, giving in to your sweet tooth too often can accelerate skin aging, which manifests as the so-called sugar face. You may not notice it right away since signs of excess sugar tend to show up at age 35. However, sun exposure, stress, and naturally depleting collagen can make matters worse as years pass.

Your Battle Plan Against Sugar Face

Woman with yellow-tinted sunglasses eating a cereal bar.
In reasonable amounts, sugar is an essential source of energy for your body.

Ditching sweet treats for good is the quickest way to reverse sugar face, but that won’t stop glycation and skin aging. Both are natural processes in life and are completely unavoidable. However, you can minimize the effects with a well-planned strategy.

Hit refresh with antioxidant-rich food.

Antioxidants can help neutralize toxins and counteract the effect of excessive sugar intake. So, after your binge, supercharge your diet with vegetables, fruits, and nuts. You can try adding slices of lemon to your morning tea, make green juice, or brighten your yogurt bowl with mixed berries. And if you love cooking, use spices like turmeric, oregano, and thyme, which are also bursting with antioxidants.

Get moving after snacking.

Numerous studies have shown that light walking within 60-90 minutes post-meal is effective at regulating blood sugar levels, which in turn, prevents inflammation and sugar face. This is because your muscles burn excess glucose as fuel when you’re engaging in physical activity shortly after a meal. Additionally, exercise helps your body process sugar more effectively. Don’t have the time to step out of the house? Stay on top of your household chores instead.

Nix dullness with a solid skincare routine.

How you take care of your skin matters just as much as what you eat. A good skincare routine starts with proper cleansing to remove impurities. Next, remove dead skin cells and unclog pores with a skin-renewing toner or exfoliator.

Post-exfoliation, focus on hydrating and rejuvenating your skin. Apply one to two pumps of POND'S Bright Miracle Night Serum all over your face (and neck!) to moisturize and even out your complexion. Good riddance, dark spots.

You don’t have to throw away your Halloween loot to have great skin. Remember to savor your hard-earned treats in moderation. Now you know what to do if you wake up with a sugar face.


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