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Asian millennial woman smiling
Don’t wait to see your first wrinkle before investing in an anti-aging skincare regimen.

Using Anti-Aging Creams? Why Now is the Best Time to Start

Find out when is the best time to start using anti-aging creams according to experts.

December 7, 2021
Read Time: 3 Minutes

Why Start in Your 20s?>

What Does Anti-Aging in Your ‘20s Look Like?>

What If You Didn’t Start in Your 20s?>

What About the 40s?>

Eleanor Roosevelt said, “Today is the oldest you’ve ever been and the youngest you’ll ever be again.” While she was probably alluding to living life to the fullest, the quote is also a good reminder about the importance of skincare. Every day, the skin is exposed to free radicals, UV rays, chemicals, and other irritants that can accelerate skin aging. While your skin may look okay in your 20s, this is exactly the time you should start using anti-aging creams. Here’s why.

Why Start in Your 20s?

The American Academy of Dermatology recommends starting an anti-aging skincare regimen as early as possible. However, the experts from AAD emphasize that this anti-aging regimen should continue to evolve as you age. A person in their 20s would have different skin concerns from someone in their 30s. Nevertheless, 21 is a magic number for most experts when it comes to starting an anti-aging routine. Consider this your soft introduction to anti-aging products.

However, once you reach 25, you should start taking it more seriously. You’ve heard of “prevention is better than cure.” Starting early essentially protects your skin from damage as you go about your youth doing young person things, such as pulling all-nighters to finish reports, sunbathing at the beach, and partying with friends. All these activities expose the skin to potentially harmful elements with effects that can manifest later in life.

What Does Anti-Aging in Your ‘20s Look Like?

Asian woman applying skincare on neck
Don’t forget to apply sunscreen on your neck, chest, and shoulders

In your 20s, anti-aging should be as simple as possible. After all, younger people are less likely to stick to something complicated and time-consuming. The AAD recommends observing a simple skincare regimen using a cleanser that suits your skin type and addresses your skin concerns. For this age group, acne is usually the biggest issue. Also, start the habit of using SPF daily because sun damage is cumulative. You may not see its effects right now, but you don't want to be surprised later. 

You could also start using treatments such as anti-aging face creams or essence with retinoids. Introduce your skin to retinol with POND'S Age Miracle Ultimate Youth Essence. It’s fast-absorbing, lightweight, and non-greasy. It also contains hyaluronic acid and niacinamide, which nourish and protect the skin from irritation.

What If You Didn’t Start in Your 20s?

Asian woman applying cream on dark spots
Dark spots will likely show in your 30s — but don’t wave the white flag just yet. Instead, make sure to protect your skin with SPF even more.

Chill, you’re not doomed. It’s never too early to start using anti-aging creams, but it's also never too late. Prevention and intervention meet in your 30s, so you’ll need a different strategy. Apart from using anti-aging creams, using SPF is even more important. The AAD notes that if you have dark spots and uneven skin tone at this point, it’s likely to get worse as you age. Retinoids are still recommended, as are antioxidant or anti-aging serums such as vitamin C, which protect the skin from UV rays as well as brighten any dark spots.

What About the 40s?

You may notice a bit of sagging skin and a loss of volume in the cheeks. At this stage, the AAD recommends preserving whatever collagen you still have by sticking to your anti-aging skin care and using creams and serums with retinol. But more importantly, apply sunscreen and protect your skin from the elements. SPF is the ultimate anti-aging product, so use it whatever your age, skin type, and skin concern. 

The ideal time to start using anti-aging creams is in your 20s, but if you’re past that mark, then start now. You’ll still be doing your skin a favor.


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