The Right Way to Achieve Jet Black Hair
Jet black hair is not as low maintenance as many believe.

The Right Way to Achieve Jet Black Hair

Jet black hair is the season’s hottest hair trend that brings out your best features. Find out how to successfully dye your hair black at home sans the mess.

By: All Things Beauty

August 20, 2023

Read Time:  3 Minutes

Woman mixing hair dye inside a black plastic bowl with a dye brush.
Avoid using metal bowls, as they can oxidize the dye and potentially affect the color payoff.
Woman getting her hair dyed at a salon.
Prevent hot roots by applying the color on the ends of the hair first.
Woman wearing floral dress and white hat posing in front of the camera.
Wearing a hat or using UV protection sprays or serums help keep your jet black hair stay glossy.
The Right Way to Achieve Jet Black Hair

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