How Cold Temperatures Affect Hair and What You Can Do
Cold weather affects your hair’s texture. 

5 Ways Cold Temperatures Affect Your Hair

Do you enjoy cold temperatures? Here are the different ways it can affect your hair!

By: All Things Beauty

October 4, 2022

Read Time:  3 Minutes

Girl with dry and tangled hair. 
The lack of moisture from the cold causes dry and dull hair.
Girl with dull hair.
Hair strands tend to look dull during the cold weather. Keep it vibrant with a hair serum.
Damaged hair with split ends. 
Dry hair can spell damaged hair strands that lead to split ends. Give your locks a weekly hair treatment to lock in moisture.  
Tight and itchy scalp
A dry and itchy scalp is a common effect of cold weather.
How Cold Temperatures Affect Hair and What You Can Do

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