Why Boyfriend Air Is Another Beauty Standard in Disguise
Got a new pimple after a date? Boyfriend air might be the culprit.

Why “Boyfriend Air” Is Another Beauty Standard in Disguise

TikTok is convinced that breakouts and greasy hair are the results of boyfriend air. Find out what it is and how it reflects unrealistic beauty ideals.

By: All Things Beauty

December 22, 2023

Read Time:  4 Minutes

Woman checking her face in the mirror with a worried look.
Changes in sleeping patterns and diet can also cause skin problems associated with boyfriend air.
Woman and man brushing their teeth together in a bathroom.
Being in a healthy relationship can help you feel comfortable with yourself.
Woman and man doing skincare routine together.
Do your skincare routine with your boyfriend to encourage the habit.
Why Boyfriend Air Is Another Beauty Standard in Disguise

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