Yoga for Beginners: Poses That Work for All Body Shapes

If you’re new to yoga or want to try practicing, here's an easy guide for beginners!

By: All Things Beauty

April 12, 2021

Read Time: 2 Minutes

Michelle Lapuz doing the warrior pose.
Michelle Lapuz was 36 weeks pregnant in this photo while doing a Warrior II pose. (Credit: instagram/michiiibi)
Rianna Gatus doing the four-limbed staff pose.
Rianna Gatus, yoga teacher and founder of Beyond Yoga, shows the proper form of a Four-Limbed Staff Pose. (Credit: instagram/riannayoga)
Mariana Bantug doing an upward facing dog.
Mariana Bantug, a yoga teacher who offers prenatal and postnatal yoga classes, does a perfect Upward Facing Dog Pose. (Credit: instagram/
An Asian woman doing the downward dog yoga pose
Gretchen Gatan, a former athlete who occasionally does yoga to help with her scoliosis, shares that the Downward Dog is her favorite pose. (Credit: instagram/gretchengatan)
A yoga teacher demonstrates a wheel pose
Urban Ashram yoga teacher, Amanda Zabat, is all smiles while doing a Wheel Pose. (Credit: instagram/amandazabat)
Yoga for Beginners: Poses That Work for All Body Shapes

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