Falling In Love Is for All This Pride Month and Beyond
Show your love with Pride.

Are LGBTQIA Couples #FreeToLove? Yes, and They Don’t Need to Be Pixelized!

Falling in love is not just for a special few. Read on to find out how closeup champions the LGBTQIA+ community and celebrates love in all its forms.

By: All Things Beauty

June 7, 2023

Read Time:  3 Minutes

Collage of images featuring LGBTQIA+ couples.
closeup celebrates all forms of love by celebrating the stories of LGBTQIA+ couples.
Collage of images featuring LGBTQIA+ couples.
closeup celebrates all forms of love by celebrating the stories of LGBTQIA+ couples.
A couple holding the Pride flag.
Edward, who is gay and proud, doesn’t really care how others see him when he’s in public. But when he became close with Jeanno, who identifies as bisexual, holding hands was limited to the darkness of cinemas.
Two women holding the Pride flag.
Lesbian couple Frances and Dzeli Ulit don’t seem to take as much heat as other queer couples. One fateful cab ride, however, took a surprising turn just because they were sitting intimately beside each other.
Woman and transman kissing while wrapped in the Pride flag.
Arjhay and Joie seem like any other ordinary couple. But because her partner is a trans man, Joie can’t help but look over her shoulder whenever they go out in public.
Two women smiling together.
Nica and Justine got married abroad in 2022. But their relationship wasn’t always rainbows and sunshine. They once had to keep their love in closet since the latter was not ready to come out at the time.
Falling In Love Is for All This Pride Month and Beyond

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