Tips and Inspiration
From Unilever Beauty Experts
One of the most apparent benefits of proper dental care is healthy teeth, but did you know it goes way beyond that? The human body is a complex system of blood vessels, nerves, and organs. Because the mouth is exposed constantly to food and air, it is a gateway for harmful bacteria to get into the bloodstream and lungs. Regular brushing and flossing can help prevent diseases and deliver these surprising benefits.
Poor dental hygiene can lead to gum disease, damaging the tissues and the bone that support the teeth. This disease, in turn, is linked to heart problems, according to Harvard Health. Scientists have proposed several theories, including one that says the bacteria that causes gum disease can also travel through the bloodstream. They can cause damage to the blood vessels, and tiny blood clots may follow.
Did you know that gum disease is connected to pregnancy outcomes? The U.S. Center for Disease Control notes that nearly 75% of pregnant women have gingivitis, an early stage of gum disease. Its symptoms can become aggravated with pregnancy because of hormonal changes. If this goes on untreated, the gums can get infected. This, in turn, can affect pregnancy and increase the risk of preterm birth and low birth weight.
Did you know that good dental care can also protect your brain cells and prevent diseases such as Alzheimer’s? A 2019 study in the Science Advances Journal found that there’s also a link between gingivitis and the disease. Bacteria called Porphyromonasgingivalis can move from the mouth to the brain and release enzymes that can destroy nerve cells, leading to memory loss.
This may sound scary, but the oral cavity is kind of a reservoir for respiratory pathogens, says the National Institutes of Health (NIH). When you breathe, these pathogens can travel to the lungs and cause pneumonia and other respiratory infections. Aside from washing your hands, another good way to protect yourself is by brushing your teeth.
Overall, poor oral health that leads to severe gum problems may play a role in some diseases, including certain cancers and diabetes. According to the NIH, untreated gum disease can cause blood sugar levels to rise and make it more difficult to manage diabetes. On the other hand, some doctors would check their patients’ gum health to assess their risk of cancers, notes Harvard Health.
This is why it’s important to brush your teeth every day. The CDC also recommends flossing regularly to remove bacteria from the mouth and going for a dental check-up at least once a year. Use closeup Red Hot Toothpaste, which kills 99% of bacteria in the mouth, and micro-shine crystals that brighten teeth and refresh the mouth.
Further, protect yourself from diseases by practicing overall hygiene. Shower every day to get rid of bacteria that may be stuck on your skin and hair. Use LIFEBUOY Antibacterial Soap Lemon Fresh and Sunsilk Damage Reconstruction Shampoo to make sure you’re clean and germ-free.
Pay attention to dental care to keep your mouth and teeth clean and protected from gum disease, which you now know can lead to so many other illnesses. It only takes a few minutes to brush and floss — do it for better teeth and better health.