Tips and Inspiration
From Unilever Beauty Experts
Nicki and Rihanna have proven that morena skin can wear bold lip color, but what about those who want something more low-key? Here, we explore the wide range of colors that go well with morena skin and the different ways to wear them.
While going with bold, neon shades offer excellent contrast in color for morena skin, doing the exact opposite also does the job. A barely-there mocha shade, as seen here on artist Ylona Garcia, accentuates the golden tones in her skin and hair. Since brown shades can be aging, try this one with a swipe of clear lip gloss to add a youthful vibe. It’s giving modern-day pop star Pocahontas and we’re here for it.
Make it like Nadine Lustre and rock gorgeous nude lips. There’s no need to be afraid of nude lip color if you have darker skin. This lipstick shade is flattering on a morena skin tone because it still accentuates the lips with a hint of rose. The lacquer finish also plumps up the pout, giving the illusion of fuller lips. This look goes well with dramatic eyes, as demonstrated here by makeup artist Anthea Bueno.
Proof that reds aren’t just for pale-skinned girls is Maine Mendoza, who has a red lipstick shade in her name. The spectrum of reds may be broad, but most shades work on morena skin, including fire engine red, Tarantino red, cherry, and wine. There’s no other way to see if a shade “matches” your skin color other than to try it on, however, you can narrow your search by sticking to warm tones, which work well with morena skin.
Peachy lip color works well on morena skin because it matches its warm undertones, giving it a sun-kissed glow. It’s perfect for casual days out at the beach where there will be lots of warm hues. If you want a bolder, more pronounced look, go for a vivid coral, which will highlight your morena skin even more. This shade works well with brown shades on the eyelids and a touch of bronzer across the cheekbones. To get your skin glowing like Gabbi’s, use POND's Triple Glow Serum, which nourishes the skin with skincare “holy grails,” hyaluronic acid, and niacinamide.
Anyone can wear orange lipstick, however, again, there are no hard and fast rules to help you determine which one is best for you. You have to try them out to see what looks flattering on your skin. Because it’s such a bold color, a lot of women go for sheer formulas such as orange lip balm or lip gloss. But if you’re feeling adventurous, take Isabelle Daza’s bright and pigmented orange lippie for a spin.
The thing with morena skin is it’s already such a head-turner, so whatever lip color you choose will only add to its radiance. Choosing the “best” one means deciding on the formula, texture, and opacity that works for you.
Want more ideas beyond lip color? Check out these morena makeup tips to further accentuate your golden glow.