Tips and Inspiration
From Unilever Beauty Experts
Believe it or not, the early concept of chivalry had nothing to do with male behavior concerning women. In the Middle Ages, the chivalry code was set up to keep medieval knights under control. Brutish and violent, knights in those days were considered “hired thugs” according to studies on chivalric education by Texas A&M University. This code of etiquette and conduct kept them in check.
While a code of chivalry may sound like an outdated concept in these modern times, some ideas can still apply. The 11th-century French epic poem “Song of Roland,” describes this code. Here are 17 entries as listed in the SCASD Education Foundation:
To fear God and maintain His Church
To serve the liege lord in valor and faith
To protect the weak and defenseless
To give succor to widows and orphans
To refrain from the wanton giving of offense
To live by honor and for glory
To despise pecuniary reward
To fight for the welfare of all
To obey those placed in authority
To guard the honor of fellow knights
To eschew unfairness, meanness, and deceit
To keep faith
At all times to speak the truth
To persevere to the end in any enterprise begun
To respect the honor of women
Never refuse a challenge from an equal
Never turn your back upon a foe
Forget acting like a “knight in shining armor” because those days of women needing rescue are long gone. Traditional acts of chivalry may even be seen as offensive and patronizing. Is there a place for this kind of code in modern times? Yes, but it needs to evolve.
Historians at Texas A&M see modern chivalry as more than just holding the door open for women or carrying their groceries. It’s about defending the most vulnerable against the attack of thugs. These include women, children, the elderly, the sick, society’s minorities, the underrepresented, and the disadvantaged. Taking from the text above, here are some modern interpretations that any man can apply to his everyday life:
• Protect the weak and defenseless. Speak up for people who can’t defend themselves. Step in when someone is being unfairly attacked.
• Donate to charity and campaign for a cause. Stand up for what you believe in and support causes that are important to you, whether through financial donations or by sharing your time and effort.
• Be upfront, don’t be a jerk. Say what you mean and mean what you say but do so with kindness and respect.
• Finish what you started. Being a man of your word is more than just about keeping promises, it’s also seeing your ambitions, projects, and decisions through.
• Take care of yourself. It’s a sign of self-respect and respect for others. Keep your hair and body clean with Dove Men+Care Refreshing Clean Shampoo and Dove Men+Care Extra Fresh Body Wash. Stay fresh, confident, and odor-free with AXE Deo Body Spray Gold Temptation.
Girls – rather, women – appreciate chivalry when it comes naturally with not attachments. Women can sense a man's motives for being nice or generous, especially if it's out of character. Chivalry is appreciated when it's warranted, and when it doesn't degrade or diminish it's recipient.
The chivalry code may be a medieval concept, but some of its ideas can still apply today. More than just an instruction on how to treat women, it’s a code on how to be a good human being overall — that’s evergreen in our book.