Tell-Tale Signs You Have a Skinny-Fat Body
A skinny-fat body can be of “normal” weight but with a high body fat percentage.

5 Tell-Tale Signs You Have a Skinny-Fat Body

Having a skinny-fat body can affect your health and performance, too. Here are some signs you might have this body type and what you can do about it.

By: All Things Beauty

October 10, 2023

Read Time:  4 Minutes

Man with a white towel around his shoulders taking a break after a workout.
Those with a skinny-fat body are also more likely to injure themselves during a workout.
Man lounging on the sofa while playing on his phone.
A sedentary lifestyle can make you feel more fatigued throughout the day and wrecks your sleep cycle.
Man eating chicken wings BBQ at a restaurant.
Don’t want to restrict your meal plan? Compromise by adding more vegetables and fruits to your diet.
Tell-Tale Signs You Have a Skinny-Fat Body

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