You Only Live Once: 5 Scary Things Worth Trying
You only live once, so don't be afraid to go on adventures – even if they scare you.

You Only Live Once: 5 Scary Things Worth Trying

It's never too late to take charge and be your boldest self. You only live once, so make it count and try these adventures – emotional rollercoasters included!

By: All Things Beauty

February 11, 2023

Read Time:  4 Minutes

A man going bungee jumping off a cliff.
Take a leap of faith and welcome the unknown.
Asian man on a coffee date with a woman.
Life’s too short to keep your feelings for someone to yourself.
An Asian man in an office setting talking to his coworkers.
Sometimes, the bravest thing you can do is speak your mind with confidence.
You Only Live Once: 5 Scary Things Worth Trying

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