Tips and Inspiration
From Unilever Beauty Experts
The internet is rife with stories of miracles, among them the magical healing of acne-prone skin in just a month. But before you trade in your current regime, consider revisiting your efforts. Do your products suit your skin? Are you applying them correctly? Are you picking at your zits? What other factors are at play? Are your expectations realistic? Here’s what we learned about the true timeline of getting rid of acne.
Sadly, there are no shortcuts when it comes to acne-prone skin. Various factors such as excess oil, hormonal fluctuations, and improper skin care habits can worsen existing breakouts, making them more difficult to clear. Moreover, there is such a thing as inflammatory acne, which starts deep within the hair follicle and is a chronic condition. Either way, add patience to your skincare regimen because acne doesn’t just disappear in a month.
According to the American Academy of Dermatology, acne treatments need time to work. If you’re using the right product for your needs, you should see an improvement – not total eradication – in four to six months. The AAD states that it may take two to three months or even longer for acne to clear completely.
To address your acne-prone skin, think like Einstein! To paraphrase his philosophy, you can’t solve a problem with the same patterns that created them. The AAD recommends making the following modifications to your routine to see results.
Give your acne treatment at least four weeks to work. Changing products too often can irritate your skin and trigger new breakouts. Stick to routine in the meantime. When you start seeing results, continue using it to prevent acne from coming back.
Washing your face twice a day and after every time you sweat is enough to get rid of bacteria. Similarly, shower after hitting the gym and don’t sit around in sweaty clothes. However, keep in mind that you don’t need to cleanse every time your skin starts to feel oily – this will only irritate your acne and make things worse. Avoid harsh scrubs since these would only worsen your condition. You don’t need to sand your skin. Sometimes, breakouts go away if you ask nicely.
Gently get rid of dirt and excess sebum with Master Facial Wash Oil Control Max. Formulated with Dermaclear, this facial wash has antibacterial properties that help prevent pimples. It also has ZEROil, which controls oil for up to eight hours.
Follow the instructions on the label; no cutting corners allowed. If you have a prescription from your dermatologist, get all the products and use them all as advised. Follow your treatment plan if you want to see results. In addition, apply a thin layer of treatment all over your face instead of just on your blemishes. This helps prevent new breakouts.
Start with a targeted cleanser like POND'S Men Facial Wash Acne Solution. This gets to the root of acne and fights deep-seated bacteria with Lock and Clear Technology.
Talk to your dermatologist if your acne persists even if you’re being diligent about your treatment. You may need to adjust your diet, switch to a stronger prescription, or get checked for any underlying medical conditions.
Acne-prone skin is usually chronic, but you won’t be stuck with it forever. Just be patient and consistent with your skincare routine. If your acne is starting to affect your everyday life or if your skin is not responding to OTC treatments, consult your dermatologist.