3 Eyebrow Pimple Causes and Treatment
Several possible culprits could be responsible for that red bump on your eyebrow.

The 3 Habits Behind Your Eyebrow Pimple

An eyebrow pimple is annoying, and often itchy or painful. Learn what might be causing it and what you can do about it in this article.

By: All Things Beauty

December 1, 2022

Read Time:  3 Minutes

A closeup of a man with a pimple on his eyebrow
Acne is a common cause of those irritating eyebrow bumps.
A man holds up a finger coated with pomade.
Something may have irritated your eyebrows.
A man washing his face in a sink.
The proper grooming habits help you avoid getting an eyebrow pimple.
3 Eyebrow Pimple Causes and Treatment

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