Deep Cleaning Your Hair and Scalp: Ways to Do It
It’s time to give your hair and scalp some serious deep cleaning.

Deep Cleaning Your Hair and Scalp: 5 Ways to Do It

Suffering from itchy scalp, flakes, and hair fall? Learn about the benefits of deep cleaning the hair and scalp and how you can add it to your routine.

By: All Things Beauty

May 5, 2023

Read Time:  3 Minutes

Smiling Asian man combing his hair wearing a white t shirt against a white background.
Combing or brushing your hair before deep cleaning can loosen dust particles and help improve blood flow to the hair follicles.
Backside of man shampooing his hair.
Choose a gentle shampoo without harmful chemicals that can irritate your scalp.
Deep Cleaning Your Hair and Scalp: Ways to Do It

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