Tips and Inspiration
From Unilever Beauty Experts
A University of Michigan study confirms what we’ve known for some time now: physical activity is an ideal way to combat the pandemic-induced slump. Strength training relieves anxiety, half-hour jogs improve self-esteem, concentration, and sleep, and regular walks ease chronic conditions. Sports get our blood flowing. Unfortunately, the poor weather hasn’t exactly been cooperative in our path toward wellness. Thank goodness then for indoor sports.
Now that we’ve been relegated to our homes, indoor sports have been somewhat of a saving grace—not only does it help you let off steam and give you terrific exercise, but it’s also a fun way to bond with family and friends.
Have you ever been told by your dad to “take it outside!” when you’re playing ball inside the house? Well, guess what, Dad? Going out these days can be a health sentence. The time for athletic roughhousing is now! Read on for three reasons you should be adding indoor sports to your routine.
Yes, dude, you love basketball, but unfortunately, circumstances aren’t exactly conducive to your whims. While you probably won’t be able to burn as many calories jumping rope as you would zigzagging across a court for 40 minutes, you can still reap the benefits of physical activity.
For three years, researchers surveyed over 1.2 million Americans over the age of 18. All engaged themselves in some physical activity, from team sports to household chores. Based on the results published in The Lancet Psychiatry, those who performed even minimal workouts reported 1.49 fewer “not good” mental health days than people who had no exercise.
Sports are generally social events. Even the ones considered solitary, such as weightlifting or running can inspire competition and a sense of community. Based on the Lancet Psychiatry research, people involved in team sports showed the lowest rate of mental health issues.
Numerous studies also echo this conclusion, noting how social support from team sports helps manage stressful life situations. Research by behavioral experts from Curtin University observed that folks who join sports clubs and recreational activities are also more resilient.
A 2019 study in the Journal of Sports Science & Medicine also reports that people exposed to team sports at a young age are less likely to suffer mental health issues as adults. Results show that sports teach children social interaction, leadership, communication, and teamwork. So come on and pitch a futsal field in your garage. Do it for the kids.
Eight out of 10 Australians believe that sports and active recreation help people feel better about themselves and build confidence based on a 2017 survey by Australia’s Department of Local Government, Sports, and Cultural Industries.
Moreover, another study in The Sport Journal showed a “statistically significant correlation” in the self-esteem of those who are active in sports. There was also another direct effect on happiness among athletes, especially those who began when they were younger.
Who wouldn’t feel more self-assured when you see yourself build your strength and improve your skills? Getting in better shape is also a nice sidebar to all this sportsmanship.
Here’s another tip for building your confidence: use an active, fresh deodorant that you’re sure will prevent you from entering embarrassing sweat-stained situations. Dove Men+Care Deodorant Spray Clean Comfort is an anti-stain antiperspirant that protects you from sweat and odor for 48 hours. It also dries quickly, making you feel much more comfortable.
Not all of us have an expansive yard or a huge basement to launch a mini-Olympics in. When it comes to figuring out what indoor sport is best for you, you have to think outside the box. Here are some ideas:
Tom Hanks’ award-winning turn as Forrest Gump made table tennis look cool. You can play this solo or in pairs. Ping-pong can work out your arms as well as your legs well.
Don’t dismiss the effects of the hula hoop! When Shaquille O’Neal isn’t shooting hoops, he’s working out with a different kind of hoop. Other celebs known to use this exercise are Jason Mraz and Matthew Morrison. It develops core strength without straining the back. Jumpstart a contest at home. Apart from the physical benefits, it would be a hilarious show.
Though not a group activity, the trampoline is ideal when space is an issue. You’ll still reap the benefits of triggering endorphins and serotonin from the brain’s happy areas because this all-over exercise will get your blood pumping, improve your balance and coordination, and work your muscles.
Improve your mental health with a little self-care. Finish up with a relaxing bath. Remove sweat and grime with CLEAR Cool Sport Menthol Anti-Dandruff Shampoo for Men and POND’s Men Face Wash Energy Charge. So you’ll feel fresh and energized all day—even after your trampoline home series.
Any sport will contribute to your mental well-being, but you don’t have to stop doing physical activities just because you’re stuck at home. From no-equipment exercises to indoor sports, find a way to keep moving.