How to Do the “Everything Shower” Right
The everything shower can take up to two hours, sometimes more. So be sure to schedule it!

How to Do the “Everything Shower” Right

Take your self-care routine to a whole new level with TikTok’s “everything shower” trend. Read on to learn how to do it properly.

By: All Things Beauty

December 29, 2023

Read Time:  3 Minutes

Smiling woman playing with her phone while sitting on a sofa.
Make a playlist before hopping into the shower!
Woman washing her hair with shampoo in the shower.
The double shampoo method can also help if you have an oily scalp.
Woman exfoliating her back with a body sponge.
Make sure to exfoliate your body no more than twice a week.
Woman in towel applying face serum.
Applying lotion or moisturizer while your skin is still slightly damp helps lock in moisture.
How to Do the “Everything Shower” Right

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