Beauty Hacks in Case of a Power Outage
'Brownout’ shouldn’t stop you from looking like a cool cat!

5 Emergency Beauty Hacks in Case of a Power Outage

It’s not possible to put on makeup and style your hair during a power outage. Or is it? Try these clever beauty hacks to look cute even during a brownout.

By: All Things Beauty

April 28, 2023

Read Time:  3 Minutes

Woman drawing her eyebrows with a small brush.
Cool-toned brown shades create natural-looking eyebrows.
Woman in bathrobe applying liquid foundation on her face with her fingers.
Get the my-skin-but-better finish with a serum and foundation mashup.
Smiling woman on a swing in an outdoor park.
Texturizing spray works great on curly hair, too!
Beauty Hacks in Case of a Power Outage

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