Dehydration Symptoms That Show Up on Your Skin
Itchiness, flaking, and oily skin are several examples of dehydration symptoms.

4 Dehydration Symptoms That Show Up on Your Skin

Dehydration symptoms are not limited to headaches and fatigue. Discover the effects of poor hydration on the skin and how to reverse them.

By: All Things Beauty

July 13, 2023

Read Time:  4 Minutes

Woman in ponytail looking at her face in the mirror with a sad expression.
If your skin feels dry and oily at the same time, you might be experiencing dehydration.
Woman checking her red cheeks caused by skin irritation.
Dehydrated skin might feel itchy and rough to the touch. 
Woman touching her dark circles in front of a mirror.
Mild dehydration also causes lymphatic congestion, resulting in puffy eyes.
Woman looking up and holding a cold water bottle to her neck.
You can also take sports drinks to restore water, electrolytes, and energy quickly.
Dehydration Symptoms That Show Up on Your Skin

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